Voice Your Opinion - How to comment on meeting agenda items - Public Comment Submission

Purpose and Background

The Zoning Administrator enforces the Escondido Zoning Code of the City of Escondido.  Duties and responsibilities include reviewing and considering various applications, enforcement of zoning ordinances, and making determinations to the extent permitted by Section 33-1319 of the Escondido Zoning Code (Ord. 2017-03R).  The Zoning Administrator is authorized to consider minor conditional use permits, variances, reasonable accommodation requests, some grading exemptions, and proposed modifications to an approved Precise Development Plan. 

Please utilize this page to learn more about the Zoning Administrator process and the accordion files to access all current and previous Public Hearing notices, agendas, and records of action.  

Public Hearing Notices

The Zoning Administrator will schedule Public Hearings as needed.  When a planning permit or other matter requires a Public Hearing, the public shall be provided notice of the hearing in compliance with local and state law.  Public Notices will include the name of the project, associated permit type(s), and a general explanation of the matter to be considered.  All Public Hearings will be held at the time, date, and place for which notice was given.  During a Public Hearing, the Zoning Administrator will hear testimony regarding the subject application from any person, either individually or as a representative of a person or organization.  If needed, the Zoning Administrator may establish time limits for individual testimony and may require that individuals with shared concerns select one or more spokespersons to present testimony on behalf of those individuals.   

Agendas with Staff Reports

The date, time, and place of all Zoning Administrator meetings are posted to this website.  A staff report with a project description and analysis will be provided before a hearing or meeting and accompany the conclusions and recommendations of City staff based on a review of an application.  Staff report packets and other relevant information are provided in the accordion file on the right.  Please contact the Planning Division where you may call, email, or visit to obtain more information regarding the general procedures concerning the conduct of hearings and decisions.

Records of Action and Resolutions

The Zoning Administrator shall hold a hearing or meeting, issue a notice of intended decision, or take an administrative action on an application as required pursuant to the Escondido Zoning Code.  The Zoning Administrator shall announce and record its decision on the matter being considered at the conclusion of a scheduled hearing or meeting, continue the matter to a later meeting, or defer action to the Planning Commission.  The decisions of the Zoning Administrator shall be filed in the Planning Division.  Actions of the Zoning Administrator may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 10 calendar days in accordance with Section 33-1303 of the Escondido Zoning Code.  If no appeal is filed, the approval of a permit or application shall become effective on the 11th calendar day following the date of the decision. 

ZA Public Notices

ZA Agendas